🏑 Half Term Performance Camp 🏑 Whitgift School Haling Park Rd South Croydon CR2 6YT Step 1 of 2 50% IMPORTANT NOTE: Please select the session(s)/ masterclass(es) you would like to book and for EACH choice, please enter the number of players you would like to book for when prompted. 20th February, DISCOUNT PACKAGES THE UNLIMITED ACCESS PACKAGE (SAVE £25!) Starting at 9:15am and finishing at 4:45pm, this package gives access to ALL AM & PM sessions AND masterclasses on the 20th February 20th February, 9:15am – 4:45pm (access to everything) UNLIMITED ACCESS: £95 20th February, 9:15am – 4:45pm (access to everything)(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young Players20th February, Day Camp Sessions20th February 10:30am – 12:30pm, AM Session: £40 1:30pm – 3:30pm, PM Session: £40 10:30am – 3:30pm, Full Camp Day (AM & PM Sessions): £70 20th February, 10:30am – 12:30pm(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young Players20th February, 1:30pm – 3:30pm(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young Players20th February, 10:30am – 3:30pm (full day)(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young PlayersSmall Group Masterclass Sessions Sign up to our AM & PM Small Group Masterclass Sessions for specialist coaching on the art of scoring goals, dribbling & elimination skills and defending. These boutique sessions involve a deep dive into technical, tactical, and physical skills designed to encourage young players to develop, learn and thrive. 20th February 9:15am – 10:15am, Silky Skiller Masterclass:£25 3:45pm – 4:45pm, Glory Goalscorer Masterclass: £25 20th February, 9:15am – 10:15am (Silky Skiller Masterclass)(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young Players20th February, 3:45pm – 4:45pm (Glory Goalscorer Masterclass)(Required)Select Number of Young Players1 Young Player2 Young Players3 Young Players4 Young PlayersSubtotal £ 0.00 Young Player(s) Info First Name(s)(Required) Surname(s)(Required) Age(s)(Required) Current Club(s)/ School(s)(Required) Please comment any allergies/ medical requirements we should know in event of First Aid(Required) Responsible Adult Info Responsible Adult Name(Required) Phone Number(Required)Email Address(Required) Additional Info How did you hear about us at Unlock Hockey?(Required) Any other comments? Discount Code Apply Discount Code(if any)Total Terms & Conditions(Required) I understand that hockey is a contact sport and there is a possibility of injury. I agree to the young player(s) being treated by a qualified First Aider if required.Terms & Conditions(Required) At Unlock Hockey, we take photos and videos to facilitate coaching, provide young players with memories and for promotional purposes. Please indicate your consent to this by ticking this box.(Required)Card Details(Required)Card Details Cardholder Name